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Saturday, July 29, 2006

little things

After our walk today I rang the doorbell to ask my Dad to help lift the double stroller up the steps. It's never an easy task, but today both boys were sleeping and I was really hoping they would stay that way. So instead of trying to take them out my Dad helped me lift the whole thing up the steps. And then he let Leanna visit him, which was incredibly helpful. My Mom was on a trip this weekend so it was just him and Claire in the house. Claire hides upstairs, so he was alone with her for about an hour and a half! Without Leanna making noise, both boys took a nice long nap. And I not only had a quiet house for once, but I was able to clear off the counter full of dishes that's been sitting there for about 2 weeks. I never have enough time in a row to get to the dishes at the bottom of the stack. (we always have an abundance of plastics-which can only go on the top rack of our dishwasher-because of the kids' cups and containers) so I hardly ever get all the dishes finished. It's a tiny victory, but it's the kind that makes such a difference. It's so depressing to always have a stack of dirty dishes looking at you. Actually seeing the countertop is so much nicer. Sometimes tiny favors can really make your day.


Star-Crossed Pimp said...

I was actually doing some much-needed cleaning upstairs.

Star-Crossed Pimp said...

Oh, and you'll notice I'm going to try and post semi-regularly on this blog. Tell the others. The most recent post has fun and exciting details about my fun-filled job.