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Monday, December 05, 2005

Movies and books

I'd really like to see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie-it looks good. I did once try to watch an older version but couldn't make it through the viewing. To be fair though I think other things were going on at the time so it wasn't entirely the movie's fault. I absolutly love that series-I read all the books in 2nd grade. I remember getting chicken pox the two weeks before Christmas break and so we didn't make it to the library. I was so very dissapointed because I had just finished the 2nd book(Prince Caspian) and was eagerly awaiting the third book. Imagine my joy when my grandmother bought me the box set of the entire series for Christmas! The pastor at our church(also my best friend's father) had a framed photo of Aslan in his living room which said, "Aslan is on the move." And I thought it was so cool when he preached a sermon in which he discussed Aslan as a Christ-figure.
As an adult I made sure by baby sister had her own box set of the books to read......I wanted to share that with her. I couldn't believe that they changed the order of how the books are read! Even though it's the same material it's just not the same when you read it out of order. Unfortunately I don't think my sister fell in love with the material the same way that I did......I was recently thinking of buying the set for Maree', but I think she's too girly girl to be into fantasy books. I really hope Leanna will be into that sort of thing. She loves books & being read to, so we're off to a good start at least. I hope I will have boys who read too-not just to be like me, but because I think if you enjoy reading it makes school(and much of life) so much easier. I haven't read as much to Justin, but that's because (I hope) he didn't take much interest in books until recently. I hope I'm not just falling into the trap of encouraging reading and language with Leanna because she's a girl and encouraging physical skills with Justin. It's something I have to pay attention to.

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