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Monday, December 05, 2005

Hopefully a Lesson Learned

So last night Leanna decided that in revenge for being sent up to bed, she would decorate the carpet. With marker. Green marker. Our nice white hallway carpet and a little bit of the pink carpet in the bedroom.
Needless to say, we were not pleased by the artistic display.
So she spent a couple hours cleaning the floor with a washcloth while crying and talking to herself. I really hope the message sank in. After she was asleep I took our new shampoo vacuume and went over it(very little changed because of her efforts) and it did come off. Lukily it was washable marker. The part she didn't clean at all came up with the first swipe of the vacuume, and the parts that she kept scrubbing at were the most difficult to remove. Her scrubbing was actually setting the stain better, but it was well worth the extra effort on my part if it keeps her from ever doing anything like that again!

PS. Grammy-it didn't even occur to her that anyone told on her.....your worries are unfounded.

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