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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

making mothers neurotic for 40 years

Mothers got wrong advice for 40 years:,,2087-2147863,00.html


Anonymous said...

Well at least breast fed babies are less likely to develope diabetes & heart disease Steph--you were breast fed for 11 months. One of the best things I did for you.

sajmom said...

ok, not really the point of the story, but....ok. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that article about a formula baby gaining more weight than a breast fed baby, and that a formula baby is overweight. Look at my boys, they were not breast fed babies and they are not overweight at all. Plus Tommy drank a full 8oz bottle of formula at a week old and Billy wasn't even drinking 4oz at a week old. Tommy was a chubbier baby than Billy, but they were both skinny boys growing up.

I think being overweight is in the jeans of a person, not what they eat. Some people eat junk all the time and don't gain a pound and then there are other people that just look at the junk and gain weight. You all know what I'm talking about.

I was always a very thin girl, until I had my tonsils taken out, then I started putting weight on. Then after my second child I gained more weight. In some woman that's the way it is. I reall think they do studies on stupid things.

sajmom said...

I don’t mean any disrespect at all, but again, that wasn’t the point of the article. Actually, it’s well documented that formula fed babies are heavier. We’re not talking about heavier for life (though some say that is true)-it means during the first year of life. Formula has more fat, babies gain weight quicker on formula. That is not disputed. Formula companies will agree with that. Another contributing factor is that babies don’t have to work as hard to get formula from a bottle, so they take in more than they probably would from just breastfeeding. And sometimes the baby may not really be that hungry, but just wants to continue sucking, so they finish a bottle even if they really weren’t that hungry.
What this article is reporting is that for 40 years now, the charts that doctors use to measure your baby’s growth was based on white suburban formula-fed babies. Since a human is designed to breastfeed, that would be the standard for measuring growth. It has nothing to do with which one is better, it’s just the simple fact that this is how humans are designed to work. So if breastfed babies gain weight slower, than that is how we are actually meant to be. And because these doctors were referring to charts based on formula fed babies, they were frequently telling the mothers of breastfed babies that their babies weren’t gaining enough weight. Many women stopped breastfeeding because they were told they had to, or they just worried themselves sick that their bodies weren’t making enough to nurture their children. I have seen women go crazy worrying about their baby’s weight. Women were being pressured over nothing. So in addition to worrying why their child was too small, often women would be told to supplement with formula or give more solids (both of which will lessen the amount of breastmilk the baby gets, and can cause the baby-or mother-to wean). They are saying that giving the baby more food to fatten them up (when they were really at the weight they were supposed to be at) is what contributed to the rising childhood obesity crisis.

Anonymous said...

Steph, of course we reply to things that are not really the point of the story because that's what hits us. To me, I read it and thought I'm so glad I breastfed my babies, it's so good for them. And Sue saw the formula fed babies gaining more weight. And you did such a good job explaining I don't have to except um...yeah...have to add another 2 cents of mine hehe......breastfed babies do not gain as much weight because it's digested so much better in their little bodies...just about everything in that milk gets used. I'm very much aware of that because I've been reading so much about diet and digestion.

Jamie said...

i am very fortunated to have chose the doctor i did for jonathan...he lost almost 2 pounds and i was freaked!! the doctor was very calm and NEVER suggested formula...

but thats off the subject kinda...what really stood out to me was the quote..."In Britain, fewer than 10% of babies are getting only breast milk by this age."

this suprised me b/c in britian they are usually ahead of us with medications and procedures and stuff... i would have thought they'd all be breastfeeding with all the hype about how good it is...hmmm. to each their own...i just did it b/c it was cheaper than formula LOL

Jamie said...

AND the most important point is that EACH CHILD IS DIFFERENT! this holds true for intelligence, weight, even what allergies they will have...i get mad when people say to me (after i urge them to avoid the high allergens with their 10 month old), "we've been feeding her eggs for months!" ok, i'm not paranoid, each child is different! kids really CAN be allergic to eggs!, i swear! lol

sajmom said...

Just so it’s very clear, I want to say again, that posting this link was not at all about putting down someone’s choices or saying that everyone should breastfeed. It was about misinformation being spread. And women feeling guilty and inept because of it. I agree with Sue that how heavy someone is not just about what they eat, genes play an important part. So do lifestyle choices, and the general level of activity a person has. Choosing what foods to eat definitely plays a big part, but not the only one. That’s a whole post in itself-I think most people assume someone is not physically fit because they have no will-power. Will power alone just doesn’t cut it-not for life.
Sue said: “Some people eat junk all the time and don't gain a pound and then there are other people that just look at the junk and gain weight.”
I know how you feel about studies, but actually I’ve seen studies that say there actually are some people who’ve been proven to be able to gain weight by smelling fatty food, even if they don’t eat it. Really!
Anyway, I hope this post and it’s comments haven’t offended anyone. As Jaime said each child is different and there are always exceptions to the rule. The choices that are out there for parents aren’t always perfect, and neither are we. So we do the best with our situations and the information that is out at the time. Nuff’ said.

Anonymous said...

This post and our comments to it are GREAT! I just like to read what people run studies on cuz some of the things they do studies on are really stupid, in my opinion. They do studies on everything and anything in this world, it just amazes me where they get their info. Did you all ever think that the woman's brain is smarter than a man's brain? Well studies show we are more intelligent than a man, than why don't we have a woman runny our country cuz all the men that have run our country are running it into the ground.....LOL! Now that is my study.

Jamie said...

many woman have run this country behind a man, believe that!