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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

About time!

Good NEWS! The usual practice in the USA is that a new mom gets sent home from hospital with a gift bag that includes infant formula. It is sort of 'free advertising' by formula companies, and these bags have been proven to reduce breastfeeding duration. NOW, a group of women in Ohio are starting something new: breastfeeding supportive gift bags.


Jamie said...

thats cool! it's funny b/c a breastfeeding book i read even said, don't take any samples of formula from the hospital b/c you will be more tempted to "give up" and give your child formula...and it's suprising how many doctors are so quick to give patients samples of formula when they express any concern with breastfeeding.

sajmom said...

I can attest to that-I used some of the free samples with Leanna. It took us two weeks to "get" breastfeeding. That doesn't sound like much, but when you're living it 24/7, it's an eternity. We probably would have gotten it quicker without having formula samples as backup. Once she got it, she got it, and it was all smooth sailing from there. Plus you feel like you have something for free, seems a shame not to use it. I wasn't tempted at all the next two babies though, because we didn't have any difficulties.