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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

channeling Debbie Gibson

Morning: As Timothy sits in his exercauser Leanna and Justin eagerly await breakfast.  Both sit at the table drinking the orange juice I just made with my juicer.  Whole wheat pancakes with wheat germ and very little syrup…..and they eat it all up.  Fast forward to lunch……what!  Are you kidding, Leanna actually wants to try some of my salad!  And she’s eating it!  Wow, all that dark leafy green stuff and carrots, tomatoes, and egg will be so good for her.  Justin sits in his seat, eating his broccoli and brown rice.   I smile, thrilled that all my hard work is finally paying off.  A mid-afternoon snack of kiwi helps tide them over until suppertime.  Leanna plays with Timothy while Justin naps and I start supper.  Tom has finally agreed to try something new.  He’s even been letting me use fresh vegetables instead of canned!  And amazingly enough, they all eat supper-Tom and the kids.  All the same meal.  And at the table together.  Talk about a good feeling-I know my family have all eaten something I’ve made, and it’s really good for them too.  I’m so happy, I don’t mind that Tom turns the TV up loud enough to destroy the whole neighborhood’s hearing, or that Justin cries for an hour straight while Leanna dumps toys all over the floor.  We’re finally on track towards normalcy…..eating a meal together as a family, the kids more even tempered because they’ve been eating good food at regular times, and Tom letting me make normal (more healthy) food.  Then I wake up.  


Jamie said...

lol i was starting to get jealous!! :-) at least i'm not alone with all this veggie stuff!

Anonymous said...

Boy, I thought it was really true, LOL. I had a good laugh at that one. You definitely have a good sense of humor my dear, daughter-in-law. I should have realized it was a dream, cuz children that young don't eat salad and Tom will never try anything new, he is a Jarrell, through and through.

Jamie said...

just a thought...

i'm going to get this from the heath food store tomorrow...i think jonathan will eat it cause he loves the gerber freezedried corn...maybe it's something you can try for a can be so frustrating!!!

sajmom said...

That's really neat, I'd love to try some of those products. If I try something and the kids don't like it maybe I'll pass it along to you through Sue.

Jamie said...

my latest investment will be a food dehydrator :-) i will definately get some stuff to you to try, much cheaper than those just tomato products!!!