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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I originally posted about my grandmother being in the hospital, but right after I posted it I found out she's no longer here. In her case, I know that she truly was in a lot of pain, every day. So she is now at peace, with her mother and her lost baby, and my grandfather. I remember when she almost died while she was in the ICU (while I was pregnant with Justin), she told me that she saw them. So I'm sure she's happy to see them again.


Sue said...

Steph, I'm so sorry to hear that Mimi past away. She is in a much better and happier place. My our loving God bring you peace and comfort as you grieve this loss. She was nice and loving woman to her family and friends. She is at peace now and out of all her pain and discomfort.

Jamie said...

i know you're probably just busy but i miss the updates =) hope all is well!

sajmom said...

Nah, not busy, just sad. Many reasons, not just the obvious.

Jamie said...

i'm sorry steph =( i'm going to email you an article i just saw...

Blushed said...

I hope things get better soon D:

(this is jess, i made a new blog-hoping it will motivate me to post more)