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Friday, May 18, 2007

Mother of 13 is US size 0

Wow. I had to post this one. In her case it's natural-she doesn't diet or excersize. And from reading the story it looks like she's genuinely enjoying her family. Good for her! I thought it was interesting to read the comments because they aren't from Americans. I totally agree with the comments on sizes getting larger though. That drives me crazy!! One man said women are thicker waisted today because they consume more alcohol and get tiny legs with muffin tops! Ummm......I think there's a bit more than alcohol to blame for the shift in people's weight!


ADP said...

Yes, and apparently ppl make nasty comments over in the UK also. 2 commented on her face, one how old it looked and the other just how awful it was. Amazing!

sajmom said...

Yeah, I thought it was interesting that a few commented on how 30 years ago a 23 inch waist was nothing. And someone said she just looked normal. I wonder what they meant by that? She's certainly thinner than the average female, so I wouldn't say "normal" but I didn't think she looked skeletal either. Were the commenters just trying to detract from her? Or to make themselves feel better? Or just be nasty?