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Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I think it's really strange how many children's shows there are about weddings. I mean, I understand that it's difficult to promote healthy marriage in a children's show. And I do think that that is a specific goal in some of these shows. The things you could show that that represent a happy healthy marriage would go over their heads(Not that I think you shouldn't show them. I'm talking about stuff like husbands/wives purposely being considerate of each other, talking nicely to each other, giving hugs, etc). The only way they know to promote marriage is to show a big wedding. Our culture has this way of promoting weddings-as though the wedding itself is the high point of the marriage. And sadly it often is. We don't prepare people to deal with the life that comes after. I don't think teaching little girls to fantasize about weddings is the ideal way to promote marriage. If anything it contributes to this fantasy that helps with the divorce rate.
It's really weird to hear Leanna talking about weddings. Which she does occasionally. Leanna wants to marry Timothy right now. Before that it was me and sometimes Maree. Her understanding of the concept is very limmited.
Though to be fair, my understanding of what marriage means it still being developed as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting observation!