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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Memory tricks

Isn't it funny how people remember things so differently? I've heard my Aunts and Uncles and my Mom argue with my grandmother over the way things were when they were kids. My grandmother says that if you listened to her kids she must have lived like a queen because her kids did all the work in the house! And they counter that they did a lot more work in that house than she remembers! Another example-my grandmother claims all her kids were potty trained before they were a year old. Yet she tells a story about my mother at age two, taking off her diaper and wandering the streets. Hmmm. (In case you are wondering, a nice couple brought her back before she got too far).
Tom doesn't read my blog. Generally his reading is limmited to what is in the bathroom. But I did read him a few sections, like the one where his mother talks about tv-viewing when he was a kid. What's funny is that he remembers things entirely differently. He says there were two tvs in the house. He knows this because he had to watch Thundercats(remember that anyone?) on the tv in his Mom's bedroom. He claims he watched MTV all the time and that his Mom knew about it! He always watched Headbanger's Ball. So did my Dad, by the way.
And he said that his Dad always let them watch anything, topless women and all, as long as their Mom wasn't around. Then he fondly reminiced about how he used to watch GI Joe, and how it was boring until they added a lot of violence . Then he really liked it!
Makes me wonder what my kids will remember about their childhoods. This blog might really come in handy! (You did too say that! I can look it up, it's all in my blog!)


Anonymous said...

Well, Tom's memory is definately different from mine. We never had 2 tv's until they were teens. I didn't start driving until I was 23 yrs old and I didn't start working until I was 25 yrs old, so money was tight until then with 1 paycheck coming in the house. Yes, back then we had charges and used them unwisely, but no we didn't have 2 tv's.
I do not remember their dad letting them watch topless shows, now I will have to ask him about that....hmm! I do remember them trying to watch MTV, and when I would come home from crossing I would make them turn it off.
Billy was 16 yrs old when he started working for the school district, that is when he bought his own tv for his room. Shortly after that, that's when Chuck got a nice bonus from SW, and we bought a new tv and stereo from Silo's. Tom got our old tv for his room in the attic, he was 15 yrs old at the time.
That's what I remember!

Anonymous said...

Steph, it wasn't a couple who returned me--it was a man. He rang Mimi's doorbell and asked if I was hers....she told that story off and on so I remember real good--and apparently I used to take all my clothes off and wonder naked all the time lol.....I believe Mimi told me she started spanking me for it and then I stopped.

Doesn't that add a nice mix to your gene pool???????
