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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Red eye

We had an unexpected trip to the doctor's office today. Justin's been hitting a lot lately, he thinks it's funny and I've having trouble making him understand it hurts. We kept warning Leanna not to laugh when Justin would hit her-one day when he hits, it's going to hurt! Of course she doesn't listen! Wednesday night Justin apparently scratched Leanna's eye, which I didn't notice until we were at the library. She did start crying at one point, which should have warned me to check her-Leanna's a tough cookie. She doesn't cry over just anything. My Mom came over for about an hour to watch Justin so I could have some alone time with Leanna(the baby was sleeping and Tom was watching tv). Leanna tends to get overlooked a lot because she's much more self-suficient than the boys, so I asked my Mom to let me take her there quickly. It felt strange to just have one child! Anyway, the lighting at the library is very dim, so I couldn't see it very clearly and by the time we got home I had forgotten about it. This morning when she woke up it looked very red and irritated in the corner so I called the doctor's office. She said it hurt a bit, and she covered it while watching tv. Lukily the scratch wasn't a deep one and they prescribed an antibiotic drop just to make sure an infection doesn't develop. So we have to go back tomorrow afternoon so they can check it again. It really cracked Tom up when the doctor asked Leanna to cover the sore eye and tell her how many fingers she was holding. She was testing Leanna's peripheral vision, but I think she forgot at first that she was dealing with a four year old. Sure, she knows how to count but Leanna's counting is not always so reliable.
Doctor, holding up four fingers,"How many fingers are up?"
Leanna,"One, two, three, four....eight!"
Doctor,"Ok, let's try again!"
(Tom sits in the corner, laughing)

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