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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bedtime prayers

Last night my Mom asked Leanna about bedtime prayers. Leanna told her that she wanted to pray to Laura. Naturally, my Mom found this a bit puzzling. But no, Leanna didn't want to pray to God or to the Lord, it had to be Laura. Finally she figured out why. When Leanna eats at my Mom's house, my Mom thanks "the lord" for the food. Apparently all this time Leanna thought she had been thanking Laura for the food! LOL!!

So today I was at my parents' house and Laura was over too. Leanna ran over to her and told her, I want to pray to you! Laura said, "You mean you want to pray FOR me? Not TO me!" And Leanna said, "NO. I want to pray to you!" And with that, she ran off to play. Then my Mom told us the story. : )

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