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Friday, January 13, 2006

A sigh of relief

Timothy is starting to smile at Tom too and let him play with him a bit. This is very good news for me-in several ways. It's always great to see the kids happy with their Daddy. Plus after a baby like Justin-it would be nice to have a baby that will let their father hold them(gives me room to breathe). Also it will be so much easier on me to have a baby that lets other people hold him because it was really hard to be constantly blamed for Justin's personality. I could punch the next person who says, "Mama's boy." Aren't all babies biologically designed to be mama's babies? If he hadn't been attached to me more than anyone else I would worry. Everyone says that boys tend to cling to their mothers more in the beginning anyway, then add Justin's intense personality on top of that, and, well, it was a fun ride! I had intended to go back to work after Justin's birth but when I explain to people that I couldn't they just look at you like you're making it up. Suggestions were made that I was smothering the child(purposely not letting him bond with anyone else); that he was like that because he wasn't in daycare or because I wasn't working; or that he would magically become a normal baby if I would just let him cry more often. That last was particularly funny because man, he cried all the time! Most kids weren't in daycare when I was a kid, and they did fine-many kids' moms didn't work then either and they weren't all like Justin. And why would I want a child who only let me hold him-it's exhausting! But it was all my fault-I made him be that way!
So I'm incredibly thrilled that Timothy seems to be a bit more typical. I have enough insecurities all on my own without other people commenting! I always felt that Justin would come around in time-and he has. He adores his father. And although his father forgets, this started before Timothy was born-Trust me, I took note! I had so much at steak in this happening! He's a little flirt too- in stores saying hi loudly until the person hears him and responds. In some situations he is more outgoing than Leanna! He just had his own schedule.

I really hope that Timothy continues to let others hold him. I'm breathing a sigh of relief right now! My ego doesn't need the beating again. I wouldn't trade him for an easier child though. I believe things happen for a reason, so whatever that reason may be-he was put in our lives on purpose.


Jamie said...

well steph! i'm glad u got that off of your will make you feel better just like i do after starting jonathan's peanut blog!

I hope nothing i have said in the past hurt you...i assure you, that was not my intent. i have commented before that jonathan seems to be at "ease" around people b/c he is around other caretakers at daycare...i do believe this to be true, however, the reality makes me feel better to believe this b/c i feel guilty bringing him there in the first place!

on that note, plase keep in mind that mostly all of the things people say about others comes from insicurities (sp) THEY feel. For example, if justin were to start crying when they are holding him, that person would feel like they aren't good enough and make a comment to you to make them feel better...not an excuse, just the truth about human nature!

well anyways, i hope now things are out in the open and since everyone can see how you feel, maybe people will think before they make those kind of comments to you, i just hope nobody's feelings are hurt in the process as i know everyone loves you and your children very much and never mean or meant to hurt anyone!!

Anonymous said...

Justin is one intense young man. You have to be around him a bit to see it but it's sure there. I think that comes from his father, I think Tom is an intense person. And I've watched him snuggle up to Tom so many times, he just really loves him. His daddy is very important to him to him. And so is his Grammy hehe.

On a lighter note, Steph, just commenting on your ''I had so much at steak in this happening'' did you have to pick steak? I think you like pizza better!!! hehehe