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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

my little troublemaker(one of them anyway)

Hardly a day goes by that Justin doesn't dump food or get into something that he shouldn't. No matter what precautions I take he always manages to find something to do that he shouldn't. He finds that window of opportunity and jumps! For example, even if he can't reach anything to get into, he'll wait until his sister opens the fridge and grab the butter, and make a meal out of it. I have quite a few pictures of him with his face and body smeared with various substances. Last night it was marker-he climbed on the computer chair, from there on the computer desk, to reach on the very top and found a marker up there. The day before it was marshmellow. I had made Leanna a peanut butter and marshmellow sandwhich(sorry Jaime, you can't get away from peanuts!) and asked Leanna to put away the jars. She decided on her own to put them where she could easily reach them instead of up high and before I knew it..........Justin's covered in marshmellow. Sticky gooey marshmellow. All over him and the floor and my excersize ball! And naturally as soon as I find this mess the phone starts to ring and the baby starts to cry.......and Justin heads for the phone(covered in marshmellow) to bring it to me. Sadly, this is just a typical day in our house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Amazing! You have children like their father was, when he was a little toddler. I thought I was going to pull my hair out, when he showered my house with flour, from the kitchen to the living room. When he threw all his bedding and toys out their bedroom window, while his father and me were sleeping. When he broke their bedroom windows and we were sleeping again, and didn't hear it until the last window was broken. And how about the time when Billy pushed him out our bedroom window, while we were sleeping again, and the neighbors had to call us. My 2 boys! They just got into so much trouble, but my youngest, Tom, was my little troublemaker.