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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Oreinteering Championship

Leanna spent all day Saturday at the Mid Atlantic Scout Orienteering Championships. She did the beginner level competition with her troop.
Orienteering is the sport of navigation in unfamiliar terrain with a map and a compass.
It was about 700 scouts, mainly boys. Leanna's troop leaders are both advanced level competitors in the sport.
I think it's so cool that she's learning stuff like that. She had a lot of fun and is beginning to learn something useful. I am really thrilled with the girl scout experience she's had this year. She visited a farm and learned about how they make clothes from animals (and did a craft and held baby kittens there too), marched in a parade, made animal treats and then visited the animal shelter they gave them to-all in addition to the crafts and lessons they learn at their meetings. Next is Scout day at Dorney!
The shirt she's showing off here is one she made. She's also proudly displaying the trophy she won-her troop came in third place. And she brought home her map and happily showed me where they went. She came home talking non-stop about her day. I really enjoy seeing her so happy.


Sue said...

WTG Leanna! I wanted to be a Brownie so bad when I was a child, but Nanny-Sue had a bicycle accident into a sticker bush. I had stickers all over me and it took a long time fro my Nana and Mom to pull them out. So I missed the registration time. I'm so glad you are getting this experience as a child, maybe you will grow up to a Girl Scout Leader.

ADP said...

I am really impressed with her girl scout experience so far. When I remember the lame experiences you and Laura had geez. She may have a small troup but it is excellent.