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Monday, June 05, 2006

Busy month

This is such a busy month. Some of the major stuff we have to do: Leanna's 5 year old checkup, finishing the school registration process, my grandmother's birthday, the kid's & Tom's birthday party, Father's Day, Tom has two definite jobs of his own to do, possibly more, plus several side jobs for relatives, my baby sister graduates from high school, whatever family vacation we have will be this month (and all the extra stuff that that entails!) Then we have the home projects going on as well. Tom painted the basement walls but has yet to mop the floor to get rid of the overspray. After that's done then we can move all the furniture and stuff back in place down there. We have the toy kitchen and washing machine that will be set up down there once everything is moved back in place. He started taking the paint off the vestibule door but it's still sitting outside waiting for him to finish. The downstairs bathroom still needs a final coat of paint-I've been asking Tom to show me how to do it. He won't just let me do it on my own because he has high standards for how things are done so he insists on showing me how. Then I might be allowed to finish it. Once it's painted I have stenciling I want to do on the walls to finish it. I'm deciding whether or not I think I could become a tupperware rep. I have to reorganize the kitchen stuff to put away my new tupperware sets(I had to do that anyway, even without the tupperware, I've just been putting it off cause it's a pain). I have to schedule Timothy and Justin's 9 month and 2 year old check ups. I have to schedule dental checkups. I've been trying to get more of our family photos framed and hung, I have to get that finished and put away before the kids break any more frames! I still have one more set of curtains to finish for that back porch(for the back door), and I have to go through all Justin's summer stuff to see what still fits, what will fit, and if he needs anything. I have the whole house to clean because I try to get it clean for the big party. Our house is very much a work in progress, and quite a bit has changed since last June. So I try to have it ready for people to walk through when they're here. Although it's looking like it will likely be a small party this year. But still-Leanna's room is a huge mess, so is the boy room. The third floor is also kind of trashed right now. I still need to buy and wrap presents. It's summer so there are plenty of walks to go on, parks to inspect, and flowers to water! And this is in addition to all the usual stuff. There's probably more that I can't think of now. And I really miss scrapbooking!!

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