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Monday, June 01, 2009

Just blogging to vent!

We picked up Leanna late today-they went to a Yankees game in Scranton with school-and went to the bank and library. I figured we'd give it a shot, first visit in a while with all four. I think this was the worst one yet.
Beforehand we discussed the rules for how to behave in a library-and of course they can perfectly repeat those rules back to me, yet somehow not apply them once inside! Justin kept running (the rules explicitly state that children MAY NOT run in the library!!), the boys wanted to spin in their Mork and Mindy style chairs and Justin wanted to sit with his feet up on the back of them, Jacob started crying to get out of the stroller and trying to grab at all the books on the shelves. Leanna wanted to take home every single book in the children's section and started arguing with me about it and they all decided they had to go to the bathroom-RIGHT NOW! (that means getting a key so it takes forever!) As we signed Leanna up for the summer reading program Jacob began getting really angry. I had to take him out of the stroller because he was so noisy but then he started pulling my hair!! He wanted to get down and run around and cause mass destruction! Boy was he angry that he couldn't! He bit my shoulder so hard it broke the skin. He's my first biter! (oh joy!) And the first hair-puller. (happy happy joy joy!)
They took forever meeting us at the other table to sign up the boys (because they're being read to as opposed to reading their own books). At this point I'm not looking anywhere because I don't want to see the looks we are surely getting. I could barely write the boy's names on the cards because Jacob was squirming and crying to get down. We go downstairs to check out and of course Jacob just completely gives in and starts non-stop crying. And OF COURSE we get the old librarian who has no tolerance for anything. Justin tried to pull himself up on the counter so he could see and she yelled at him (he might bang his head and then what would we do?). She asked why Jacob was crying, was it because he wanted his own book? (Oh, if only it would be that easy to stop the crying!!) but no! this was a total meltdown. He was fine when we entered the library, really! Leanna stood up on her toes to pull up her pants and the librarian thought she was jumping too, and she scolded her as well! Timothy was starting to whisper in tones so loud they could hear him accross the entire library counter! On the way out Timothy pushed past us and opened the door, and it was Justin's turn, which he loudly let Timothy know. Yes, they always fight over who gets to open the door. I was soooooooooo glad to get out of there!

(then we got home and I sat down with my iced coffee to read a story to Justin and Jacob got mad at this and knocked over my iced coffee. I was really looking forward to sitting there drinking it and reading. : ( What a day!) Ok, end of rant.


Jamie said...

ugh. i get beet red when that stuff happens. one lady tried telling me that josslyn was hungry at wegmans the other day when she was crying. for the record, she was NOT hungry and how the heck would she know what MY baby's cry would mean!?!??! sorry you had a rough day =( i'm going to open a children's library with community funding. i bet i could get a lot of money from just parents alone!! =)

Sue said...

I bet you could too. I never took my kids to the library because I knew they wouldn't be as quiet as they would like them to be and I didn't want to get those stares, LOL.

I don't know if all libraries are like your A-town one is. I have been to the Easton Library with the Project of Easton and they brought their kids and I really never heard anyone tell them they couldn't talk loud or stop running when they ran.

Your kids really enjoyed the Q-town Library the night we were there. No one said a thing if they were loud. They were able to be a kid. I really think that makes us parents feel more stressful, when we know how our kids are going to act and we know when they are in places where they are supposed to be controlled it is so much more harder to control them. But if they were in a place they can act out they don't, go figure.

Kids will be kids and some adults forget what it was like when they were a kid.