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Monday, June 29, 2009

I second this one!

A post from Momalom on the fact that there is great advice out there for parents of one baby. But once you add an extra baby or two......the standard advice just doesn't apply. I noticed that a long time ago myself!!

A quote:
"To parent is to evaluate. All day long. Evaluate situations. Needs. Your needs. The kids’ needs. Each individual child’s needs. And if there is more than one child? How everyone’s needs may affect everyone else’s. And I have yet to find a book—or a magazine article—that addresses this."

1 comment:

Jen said...

Well I'm a little late to this, but thanks for linking to momalom. This is a topic that Sarah and I talk about all the time, parenting three. We are each others resources, because there just aren't any out there! And I'm glad to hear that other moms are noticing this—and talking about it—too.