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Monday, March 02, 2009

Warning: tear jerker

If you don't mind tearing up a bit (or more), the subject line links to Katie Allison-Granju's blog with a story about her 2 year old cousin who died four years ago. His mother and grandmother were both watching him but he wandered away and in 5 minutes time had drowned in a body of water there. He lingered in the hospital for a while, but they pulled support. I cried for that poor boy's parents.
The child's parents are now adopting another baby, the circle of life in a way is complete. I followed this story when it happened 4 years ago, and it particularly resonated with me because I had a little blond haired, blue-eyed baby boy too. I'm just going to quote Katie here, because she puts it perfectly:

"W's death shook me to the core of my being. I couldn't believe that this vibrantly healthy, beautiful child could really be gone so suddenly. I couldn't imagine how his parents, two people I love with all my heart, would manage to wake up the next morning, not to mention every other morning for the rest of their lives. And I found myself realizing for the first time that Really Bad Things can happen to anyone at any time. Of course, I had understood that at a very surface level before W died, but after he was gone, everything precious to me felt more fragile and vulnerable. And four years later, it still does. I see each of my children in a different way, and I no longer feel as confident that simply being a "good mother" (whatever that means) can really protect them in the way I assumed it could before. It's an awareness that is both painful, and also somewhat freeing. It allowed me to stop clenching my mental and emotional fists so much all the time, and to place more trust in the great universal love I personally know as God."

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