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Monday, August 27, 2007

6 weeks

Jacob will be 6 weeks old tomorrow, and it feels like he's been with us forever. He's such a big boy, I can't get over how huge he looks in comparison with my other babies. I don't know what he weights now, but I'm sure it's gone up. He smiles a lot. I have yet to see any sibling jealousy towards him. They still make up lullabies to sing to him. They still fight over holding him and get mad when I won't let them. When Timothy woke up and found Jacob next to him he put his arm around the baby and happily settled right back to sleep with a smile on his face (I was right next to the baby). They just adore him.


Michele said...

Wow, it seems like just yesterday! Time sure does fly! Glad everything is going well....

(Are you getting any sleep?!?!?)

sajmom said...

So so on the sleep. I think his sleep pattern is changing a little and he's wanting to get up earlier than I do!