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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Leanna and Mia

Leanna and Mia were really adorable together. They are both bossy too so I think they made a good match for each other. Leanna's two years older, but I think they look like they could be sisters. Here they are driving Mia's car-stop, start, lurch forward, run into chairs, the kid picnic table and through the swings! Justin was really fascinated by the car too but when he rode with Mia she went too fast for him and he got really scared!

Even though the picture's a little blurry, I love the one of Leanna laughing in delight as Mia drives so fast. They really had a blast together!


Sue said...

Is this Jerry's daughter?

sajmom said...

Yes, that is his older daughter. Baby Lexi is his younger daughter.

Sue said...

Wow! She gotten so big since the last time I saw her at your Fountain Hill house. She looks just like Jerry.