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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Breastfeeding and Heart health

A study of almost 100,000 women has shown that those who breast fed were 24 per cent less likely to suffer a heart attack.

I like that this article mentions, "It is becoming more and more clear that a lot of the things we do in modern life, such as eating trans fats or drriving rather than walking, mess with the body. " The more I read the more clear it becomes that so much of modern life is contradictory with how the human body is meant to function.

See the article RIGHT HERE


Sue said...

Steph, Did your mom breast feed you girls? Cuz, I thought she did too, and if she did is she in the 24% category?

Some of these studies amaze me.

ADP said...

Yes, I breastfed each one, Steph I breastfed the shortest amount of time--11 months. And the other 2 were breastfed for a year. I read that in amazement too--tried to read the article but it wouldn't let me--I'll try later. I did eat a lot of margerine which had a lot of transfats, I never used mayonaise, I used margerine. And in my cookies too. And I smoked, and stopped exercising like I used to. So there you go. But I always read it the other way--when you breastfeed it protects the child from so many bad things.

Sue said...

That's what I thought about when a mother breast feeds her youngins, the child is protected better than the bottled fed babies. I never knew it was better for the breastfed mother as she grew older. You learn something everyday, lol.

Sue said...

It won't let me pull up the article to read, so I can't learn of all the benefits of breast feeding.

sajmom said...

I fixed the link, don't know why it didn't work before. It means that my Mom was 24% less likely to have heart disease. But in her case there were many other factors-family history(her mother had a VERY early heart attack) smoking, poor diet, lots of stress and a lack of excersize. Possibly had she not breastfed she would have had the heart attack at an earlier age, or it would have been more severe. But yes, most women want to breastfeed for the child's health. But really it gives you a lifelong advantage-I am a healthier adult and have less risk for certain things because I was breastfed. The fact that I breastfed my own children also gives me benefits. It's not just good for the child,it's good for the mother too.

ADP said...

Now I always knew it protected the mother from breast cancer somewhat--they knew even when I was breastfeeding you Steph that women who breastfeed have less chance of getting breast cancer so it does make sense too that it would protect against heart disease. And actually, my diet wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either. lol.