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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Batteries, of various sorts

The other day Justin was asking for batteries again. That's a fairly constant refrain in our house, as so many of kids' toys today require batteries. We didn't have any but I asked him what he wanted them for, since he sometimes asks for batteries when he can't get something to work. If he can't figure it out he assumes that it must need batteries.
He wanted batteries for the van. As I was telling him that the van doesn't use batteries I realized that actually Justin was correct! He must have overheard us talking about the van needing a new battery! I wanted to go out and get diapers, as much for a chance to get out of the house as to actually get the needed diapers. With the van not working I had to go walk later to get them. I guess Justin was looking forward to going out too though, as he thought he'd fix the problem on his own! (he'd just ask Mommy for batteries for the van!) He really is a sweet kid!

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