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Monday, September 28, 2009

An organizing failure?

A short article that reveals the secret to getting rid of clutter. They say the secret is to never give up. Well, that sounds good then, that appears to be one my positive traits. I can endure! I can perservere! (But getting rid of clutter? I'm not sure about that one).
On a related note, I think someone signed me up for flylady. That's a website that tells you what to clean and when. They have a whole system for how to do things, and a generally sympathetic and friendly tone. I actually read about it years ago and so unless they sent me new emails based on years ago........someone recently signed me up! LOL. I am choosing to see it as a loving and caring act, rather than critical. Not because I'm such a good person that I see only good in others. Really just because at this point I can't stand much more criticism, even hypothetical criticism. But I found it amusing that this getting rid of clutter article was in an email letter I get a day after I start getting emails from flylady. Maybe a message is being sent to me?? (I don't mean just literally!) Ah well, things have been getting a little better lately. I'm getting there, just very slowly.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I never even heard of this website. I'm sure we all got clutter that we should get rid of. I KNOW I DO AND IT IS IN BASEMENT AND ATTIC. Soon I am just going to chuck it all and I don't care.

I was told if you haven't used it in 2 years then it's probably won't get used. It was probably forgotten to begin with.

Who would send you this webite anyway?