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Friday, March 07, 2008

I think I like Jenny McCarthy a little more

I know this makes most people think she's crazier than ever, but I think I like her more. First the realistic pregnancy books, and now she's advocating for a change in diet as a way to control problems affecting your kids.

Mom, you'll like this post and most of the comments. For example:

SKL said...
My cousin is autistic, and I was aware of recommended diet adjustments since I was eight years old. Since then, I have read some very compelling articles on this subject.It's not that a certain diet cures autism, but that a certain diet aggravates it.Personally I believe that this is also true of other behavioral issues such as ADHD, but every time I mention it, someone slams me. This is probably a reason why diet isn't one of the first things people work on with autistic kids. There are some really "effective" drugs out there, and there's no money in advocating non-pharmaceutical treatments, so people advocating a comprehensive dietary approach are seen as being "on the fringe." Personally, I would always try diet, exercise, and behavioral therapy first and then use meds only if and to the extent that these non-invasive approaches couldn't help.

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