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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Holiday Lights

I walked to the grocery store with the kids tonight and it was early evening. It was actually a pretty good trip for them, mainly because Timothy fell asleep, he's my biggest trouble maker when we're out right now. By the time we left the store it was dark. Leanna and Justin agreed that it was a little scary being out in the dark like that, but it was actually a good thing because they got to enjoy the few houses that have Christmas lights up already. And Justin particularly liked it. The blinking lights really amazed him-he asked, "How do they DO that!?" (I said "magic!") They oohhed and ahhed over every decorated house we saw.

Even though I've been through this stuff before with Leanna, it still amazes me how kids just get blown away by the simplest things. The look on Justin's face and the sound in his voice-stuff like that is why you have kids.

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