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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brave Boys in the bathtub

I was trying to catch a video of Justin singing while he was playing but I only caught a second or two. It was VERY cute, so of course he refused to do it after he noticed me.

(NOTE: you might want to turn the volume down, Timothy yells in the middle of it). It also shows the big thing for baths right now-putting your head in the water. Leanna started this craze, it's a big deal for her to do this. She's still afraid and doesn't like the sound the water makes in her ears. Justin had no problem whatsoever doing it from the first time on and now Timothy has to immitate his big brother. They still get a big kick out of hearing me say how brave they are. I like how you also see how quickly Justin puts his head in the water after hearing me praise Timothy-a little competitiveness there!

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