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Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I've not been posting a lot lately because of the holiday and being sick and now bugs. We've been in lice hell here. It's mainly Leanna and I, but I pulled lots of baby ones out of Timothy and Justin's hair yesterday. My Mom's been coming over once a day to check my hair but she's too tired to do a thorough enough job and Tom's too tired and impatient to do it either. (But thank you for helping at all Mom!!) My hair is a nightmare to do. I have such fine hair that it's almost impossible. I really really hate bugs. At this point I think I have all the adult ones out of all the kids' hair-which means I just have to keep on top of the eggs which can be hatching every day.

As I was going through Justin's hair at night he said, "Bugs, it's MY body and you can't break it!" He was completely serious and oh-so cute.

1 comment:

Sue said...

How are you doing at getting rid of those pesty bugs?