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Monday, September 10, 2007

Food issues

It's inspiring to read an article like the one I'm about to post on frugal shopping. But it's very hard for me to im;lement. I kind of hate food at this period in my life as it is a major hassle for me. My husband and kids are so picky that every single meal is a hassle. And the constant worry over getting nutrients into their bodies can really make me insane. At first when I started being home to make suppers it was kind of fun-I felt all housewifey and stuff. But when Leanna was old enough to eat it too-and wouldn't-that's when it started to get hairy. And I was getting tired of making the same old stuff all the time because my husband is a real meat and potatoes kind of guy-and there's only 3 vegetables he really eats (corn and green beans and broccoli). He gets mad if I try to get creative and make something new or change the recipie. That's the fun part of cooking! And it's hard to experiment with new foods of any type-not just recipies, but even buying new fruits and vegetables-just because of the cost! We can't afford to buy food that most likely won't get eaten, or food that only I will eat. It's no fun to go to the trouble of making a meal when no one eats it. Stuff like that just wears me down and makes me want to only make sandwhiches and cereal and easy stuff like that. But that's not healthy. Oh yeah, and my husband won't eat leftovers, so that's not an option either! All these things make it hard to save money on food and extremely difficult to eat healthy. That's why I hate food!


Jamie said...

words cannot express how much i too hate food. what frustrates me is that in order to be healthy and avoid a lot of acute and chronic illnesses you must eat "right". we all know that. we also know that it is important to eat "organic" b/c the lovely food producers have infested our fruits and veggies with pesticides which can cause cancer, amongst other things. so here is the problem. organic food costs a lot of money. and even the non organic adds up, like you said. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO if, in america, you are not rich, you are forced to remain unhealthy because we cannot even afford to buy the stuff that we know is good for us. and, i won't even mention how it impossible it is to even afford to own a home in america to have the opportunity to create an organic herb/fruit/veggie garden.

ahhhhhhh thanks for the vent :-)

sajmom said...

And then there's how bland the produce you buy in a grocery store can taste-because they are trying so hard to make it "look pretty." That forces farmers to use more pesticides and genetic engineering to help it look nicer or bigger. And they put wax coatings on some fruits and veggies to make them shine-not so great to eat though. And the stuff they use to make it last longer so they can maximise their profit!