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Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Scream

You know that painting by Edward Munch? The Scream.....where the guy holds his hands up to his face? Well that's what Claire made with Laura's batch of cookie dough. Note the beaters positioned as the hands. Why would she do this, you might ask. Because it was quite appropriate for yesterday, I might answer.
NOTHING went right yesterday. It was supposed to be cookie-baking day. We were all dragging our feet and didn't even try to get started until mid-afternoon. I felt miserable and the kids, mainly the boys, had runny noses. Not ideal for a day when you're trying to make and decorate cookies. Justin still forgets to turn his head half the time. Anyway Laura realized that she had used the incorrect copy of my great grandmother's white cut-out cookie recipie. The one where my Aunt accidentally wrote one TABLESPOON salt, instead of one TEASPOON salt. Yeah. Big mistake. And to make matters worse, she had made a double batch of the dough. We searched the internet for a way to correct it, and I tried calling my grandmother to see if she knew of a way to fix it, but alas, it proved a waste of time. My grandmother said if it was soup, you could add potato, but that doesn't work for cookies. I couldn't find anything that mentioned cookie dough specifically, but one website mentioned you could add plain yogurt to some foods to take away the saltiness. So Claire walked to the store and came back with Light & Fit vanilla yogurt. They also tried adding more butter and more sugar. Still salty. Claire said it felt and tasted like play-doh. We were all kind of depressed. Laura was having apartment-mate troubles, and was upset about the dough. I hadn't had a chance to finish cleaning up, so I didn't really feel ready for cookie-making anyway. Plus I was just feeling really sick, and it's been hard to get into this holiday season, so I just wasn't feeling into it. Then Tom called and said he'd be working on Sunday too. Things were just not working out! Claire was for once the most upbeat of the three of us. I did make an effort to save things, suggesting if someone would go buy some butter, we could make another batch of dough, or else we could just decorate the salty dough and make ornaments with it. Claire was all for just making the cookies anyway, just to have the fun of decorating. But Laura didn't want to make cookies she couldn't eat, which I kind of agreed with. We decided to make supper and then make cookies, but after supper no one did anything and we ended up just watching a few episodes of Srubs in an effort to cheer ourselves up.
No cookies were made.

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