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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Reactions-Working through it

So there's been a lot of fascination with and discussion about people's reactions to this pregnancy. We knew about it since before Thanksgiving, but decided not to say anything. Neither one of us felt like dealing with the inevitable reactions. Well, I told my grandmother on Thanksgiving- but I knew she was the one person who would just be happy for us. Not even a slight negative reaction from her. Which I need.
Tom is thrilled. If anything, he was a little upset that my reaction wasn't better. I have very mixed feelings about this. This one truly was a surprise. Tom suggested I take a pregnancy test when I mentioned wanting a burger and he commented that I'd been having an awful lot of cravings lately. I realized that I had, so maybe I'd better take a test, just to be sure. I didn't really expect it to be positive. I even took a second test with the midwives, to be sure it was really true.

Yes, we do know what birth control is and how to use it. Thank you for the concern. We know what causes babies too (Sometimes people oh so wittily suggest that may be the problem). And yes, I am well aware that you can still get pregnant while nursing, even if you haven't gotten your period back yet. I merely commented that it is more difficult when nursing two children. It is different for every person, but there is a certain level that when your hormones fall below because nursing wanes somewhat, fertility returns. Apparently I am really fertile.

I would definitely not have chosen to have a child now. I was just starting to lose the weight I'd gained from the last two pregnancies. I was just starting to feel like I was regaining a bit of freedom again as Timothy was getting older. I don't really feel like going through pregnancy again. We've really been struggling financially since Tom's been working for himself. And I feel like the three kids I already have need more attention. A year or two would have made a big difference. Still, what's happened has happened, so we just have to deal with it and move on. As my grandmother said, it may seem impossible, but you just adjust, with each child. And we will. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason-so this child was meant to be.

So please please, don't focus on the negative. I do that quite nicely all on my own. I seriously doubt that there's a negative aspect you could mention to me that I haven't thought of on my own. Babies are wonderful, there is so much to welcome about them. I know that Timothy really brings out a sweet side of Justin, very nurturing. And Leanna is really looking forward to holding another little baby. So there are positives to more siblings as well. Seriously I am very hormonal this time and if you yell at me I will cry! So please just be happy for us, and the fact that we're getting the big family we've always wanted.


Sue said...


I'm very happy about you having another little one, because I know Tom is happy and yes, you will all adjust. God allowed this to happen and I trully believe this, so I don't feel negative about the whole thing at all. As a mom, I just worry about you, finacially for your family, and everything in between. But with God's help and my trust in him, I know he will see you all through everything, as long as you all believe and trust him. I wish you all lived closer to me so I can take the kids to Sunday School and hopefully maybe you and Tom would go, but I can't stress on that too much cuz my own husband doesn't go. But it usually is the wife that brings the Lord to the home and then eventually all will be joined in faith together. I can hope can't I.

We as parents know how hard it is to supply everything you want for your kids and when it isn't there no matter how hard you try, we worry that's all. When your kids are all grown up you will see what I'm trying to say. We all been there.

But I trully don't regret you and Tom for having a large family, more the merrier. I'm hoping for a very beautiful healthy little girl, so Leanna will have a sister she can be close to like you and Laura. I always wanted a sister and nev had one. My brother and I always fought when we were growing up, until I got married then we got along. Then it was a little too late, if you know what I mean.

sajmom said...

klebbbbbbbb ahh heb poopie nanas