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Friday, July 17, 2009

More Lead fun!

I forgot to mention, Jacob had a lead level test done on Tuesday. I got the results today: 17. Which is down two more points. They weren't happy about it though, instead they were all in a panic, deciding instead that Jacob must have swallowed a lead object so he must be seen immediately for an X-Ray and some sort of blood count as well. I explained to them that we'd had our house tested and it was essentially bathed in lead, and that that is what the health dept. thinks is the source. She said, "Yeah" and continued talking. Didn't bother to listen to a word I said. I'm guessing they didn't read his history and take that into consideration. Unless they think all four kids were swallowing lead toys, since each one has had a high lead level. Not to mention that his first lead test was at nine months old, so he would have had to have swallowed the lead object shouldn't the level remain steady until he eliminates the object? And if he had swallowed the object at nine months, why the frantic need to X-Ray today!! Especially since the lead level is on it's way down? They called my house twice in an hour, and called my husband (who was up on a roof). They left a message on the phone saying, you need to call us back TODAY!!
So I rushed in and we did the blood test which terrified Jacob. On Tuesday they couldn't find his vein and stabbed him repeatedly before doing the other arm. He clearly remembered the ordeal and started crying as soon as we got into the room. Today they had no problem finding the vein though, a relief since he was worked up enough just over the memory! We did the X-ray right after and she said a doctor would have to look at it to be certain, but she saw (surprise!) nothing at all. This was not how I wanted him to spend his birthday and it wasn't how I had planned to spend the afternoon either!!
I know some people probably wonder why I make such a big deal out of this stuff. It's hard to put it into words exactly. I'm bothered by the attitudes that I encounter. I'm just very tired of it being assumed that if there is any differentiation from the norm that it's because I'm a negligent parent. I'm tired of people not listening to me-hospital personel of various sorts, the school, the teacher, the caseworker, pediatric nurses and doctors and staff members, the landlord, the lead contractor, and various people involved the insurance and lead levels. All people I've encountered that either ignore me, treat me like I'm a moron, or a lazy parent, or worse still, an uncaring parent(except the school-there I think I'm seen as overinvolved). It's a relatively recent thing,,,,,although to be fair, I've had contact with a lot more people in those positions in the past year probably, than in the entire time I've had kids. I'm just tired of being treated like some low-life negligent parent who couldn't possibly know and observe her own children. Heck, I'm tired. Period. My stomach's been twisted in knots all day. I can't wait until all this stuff's over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sue said...

Could his high level of lead be coming from your breast milk? Being he is still being feed through you. Did anyone ever think of that? Maybe it is something so simple like that. I don't know what the answer is, but try weaning him and see what his level is the next time he has a doctor appointment, like Jamie is doing this new eating to to see if her RA is better.

It is the water like it was in Fountain Hill? Maybe from taking baths. Kids like to play in the bathtub while they are taking baths.

I don't know what the answer is. But I do that is why they are concerned because they think he is eating something that is containing lead. When I told someone about his hig levels of lead that is what this person told me that it can only get that high if he is eating it. He is a school teacher and is trained on the effects of what lead does to a child's mind.

That is why they are so concerned, once they figure out where it is really coming from the problem will be solved.

I really wish you would move from there!

Jamie said...

Sue, no offense, but you kinda just did what all those people do to Steph!! =) I'm pretty sure she's explained the breastmilk theory before about how lead is absorbed in the stomach so her kids are actually ahead of the game with bfing b/c it is digested really fast (I hope I got that right!). Also, she said that the lead levels came down when she was diligent about keeping the kids out of the areas that they found the lead paint. (and are still coming down) So that is the main problem and one that is going to be rectified. It must be really hard having to treat certain areas of your house as a danger zone!

Jacob would be putting everything in his mouth, like a typical baby so that would explain his levels. Its not his "food" but the other stuff he could be swallowing. The other day I fished a piece of plastic out of Joss's mouth! Who knows where that came from!

I know that you too are concerned and are trying to help! I just wanted to hopefully clear that up.

Sue said...

I'm sorry that I said this about the breast feeding, because Jamie just explained it to me that it was discussed before. So, disregard my comment.

sajmom said...

Just to clear up a few things:
1. They don't think he is eating lead. He doesn't have a single doctor, so there is no ONE person following his case who knows the history. These people just looked and said, ok, he's had high levels for about a year, maybe he swallowed a lead object (like dollar store toys)? No doctor, nurse, or lead program offical thinks the source is food, breastmilk or otherwise.
2. Lead isn't absorbed through the skin, it has to enter the body. So just playing in bathwater wouldn't cause lead to be absorbed, unless the child was drinking the water.
3. Our city water does not contain measurable amounts of lead, and Tom says our pipes do not either. So water is not the source.
4. I respectfully disagree with your friend. Jacob's levels are high enough to be concerned but that are not THAT HIGH. To put it in perspective, the inspector who is about my parents' age, told me that when he was a child the AVERAGE kid's lead level was in the 40s. And it didn't cause any problems. Jacob's highest was 20. At about 70 you'd be in the hospital. There are many ways to get a lead level of 20 including from dust from Tom's clothes and I can give you a million websites and the phone number for the lead abatement program, who can also confirm that food isn't the major source of lead contamination, if you don't believe me. The inspector told me that about 98% of his cases are from old windowsills. Not food. One paint chip can send you to the hospital though. A single inch of sanded lead paint contaminates a 12 foot area!
5. Simply eliminating breastmilk wouldn't prove that that was the source, particularly given the fact that his levels are already on the decline.
6. The lead abatement program inspector was extremely thorough. He went rhrough every single room and our cabinets and refrigerator and pantry. He was outside and inside and tested everything. While there is no way to be 100% certain, considering how much lead paint is in our house, it is EXTREMELY LIKELY that our house is the source!!! There are two rooms in the entire house that don't have lead. ALL the others do, and the front porch. The nurse that called me did not know that info. Had she known, or listened to me when I told her, it could have saved us the time and insurance co. the expense of needless tests.
7.The problem isn't immediately solved when you find the source. Of course that's the goal, but you should understand, even when you remove the source of lead, how fast it leaves the body is an individual thing. It depends on your age, health, and how your individual digestive system works. Two people exposed to the same source in the same amount can eliminate lead at diffrent rates.

PS. We would like to move too, but a realistic opportunity has yet to arrive.
PPS. As the inspector warned me, even if we do move, given our income level, the chances of our moving to another old house that also has lead is extremely high! Moving is not a cure-all solution.

I'm not mad, I just want you to have correct information. And not to think that I am poison. LOL.