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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good news for coffee drinkers

Note to Mom: The research was funded by grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

1 comment:

Sue said...

This was also on the news last night on CBS 3. Things that we have always ate or drank from when we can remember, were told that they were bad for us, but now have found are actually good for us. I really don't think the doctors even know what is good or bad. Doctors are only practicing, until they get it right.

On the CBS 3 news at 12:00 PM today there was a man that celebrated his 90th class reunion from 1918. He was 107 years old from Mass. He was asked what he did right to live that long and his response was he didn't know because he ate and drank everything. Go figure, when your time is up, it is up. No one knows what your life span will be except the man above.