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Saturday, August 12, 2006


Last night Tom watched Leanna and Justin while I went out with Timothy and my sister and Mom. Justin was ok with me leaving because he was busy watching Tom and his helper work in the bathroom. He merely asked for an extra kiss when I let him know I was leaving. Leanna was devastated though. She cried and had to be forcibly pulled off my body. Sometimes she's ok with me leaving, other times it bothers her. Last night for whatever reason, it was a very big deal. When I came back she sang a song she had written for me.

I love you Mommy, oh yes I do.
I don't love anyone, as much as you. (Here she stopped to inform me that this is the part that I may not like)
When you left, you broke my heart!

Speaking of breaking your heart! Awww. How can you not love a kid that writes you a song? Such a sweet kid. I love my daughter!

1 comment:

ADP said...

She can be sooooooooooooo sweet!!!