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Thursday, October 30, 2008

How things work.......

Yesterday Justin asked me how stoves and water get hot. He is at such a curious stage right now. I love it! He wants to know how everything works. I really hope school doesn't squash that curiosity-it has a way of doing that, particularly for boys! Tom and I suspect that Justin may be a lot like Tom, not so good at school but mechanically inclined. Justin likes to take apart flashlights and when his father took apart one of Justin's toy drills (to see if he could fix it) Justin stood at his side, transfixed.
Make no mistake, when I say that I suspect Justin may not do as well in school, but is still intelligent, I am not being politically correct. I DO think he is intelligent, just not necesarily in the school sense. I am a firm believer that there are many types of intelligence, and that the kind that can be measured by an IQ test is not at all the best or only one!

But who knows, he may change as he gets older and do just fine in school. I try to keep my mind open, I certainly don't want to put him in a box. Especially before he's even had a chance to prove himself! And my kids have proven me wrong before!

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