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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

For those who've expressed concern......

For those of you who have expressed concern over the wefare of my children's tiny fingers as they write their names(there are a few of you):

Leanna's full name=23 letters (4 names)
Justin's full name=20 letters (3 names)
Timothy's full name=19 letters (3 names)
Jacob's full name=24 letters (4 names)

So as you can see, only 5 extra letters for the longest name. It'll build character, writting those extra 5 letters. And you can always use initials for a legal signature. I don't usually write my middle name unless the paper specifically requests it. Their names have more meaning than just "oh I liked the name," not that there's anything wrong with that. I like it when there's a story behind the name.


Sue said...

THe only ones that expressed concern were your inlaws. Sorry!

sajmom said...

Not true! You were just the only one to put it in writting, lol.