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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The 4 types of Grandparents

Interesting.......I rarely see people this black and white though, I think of people more as mixtures of the types. Anyone want to name which type they are or think they may one day be??


ADP said...


hehehe!!! If anything, I am No.4 (good thing I'm not No 1 or 2 hehe)but it doesn't exactly describe me. Cause I am not in your face about how I disagree with your parenting practices (though I will mention here & there about something I don't agree with). Like you said, there are shades of grey in everything. People are complicated with good and bad mixed together but it sure was interesting reading.

p.s. I liked the one comment where the women said they did not describe her children's grandparents where they were loving and wonderful. That would be your children's grandparents, right???? huh huh???

Sue said...

Alanna, I agree with you on this. I feel I am also #4, where I feel Chuck is #3. He can't handle the noise and confusion, but he can talk to them as young adults.

Yes, we raised our kids in a "Different World." Did you ever hear that song by Bucky Covington? Great song of how it was when we were kids and we all survived. Like drinking from a garden hose, things being painted with lead based paint, not having a remote for the TV and where everything was closed on Sundays and that was a day for church.

To bad our kid's kids can't experience our time in this world. To see how it was and a good time we all shared.

sajmom said...

I don't know, Pop-Pop is coming around....he held Jacob when we visited you. It took a little persuasion(at first he insisted the baby was too small yet), but he seemed to enjoy it.