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Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween pictures


We had Trick or Treat here on Friday night. Conditions were less than ideal. Unfortunately we had to trick or treat with umbrellas. It wasn't the coldness that bothered us, it was the rain. Leanna stepped in puddles, as kids must, and then her feet were freezing. I didn't even bother to have Timothy try to do it. With Justin last year we made an attempt, not for the candy, just for the experience for him. But with the rain and all, we just dressed Timothy up and kept him in the stroller. One person said, "Oh, you have to have some for the little guy!" At this stage the halloween candy is communal anyway. I had him in about three layers so the costume was really filled out, so it made the Tiger tail stick out. It looked really cute when he walked!

*Just a reminder to click on the pictures to make them bigger*

Justin spilled cocoa krispies on his belly right before we left. I washed it off and in person you couldn't see it, but the water still shows up in the pictures. I also restuffed Winnie the Pooh's stomache to fill it out more. I put a little too much in the top though, so it looked like Pooh had just eaten a couple honey pots before we left!

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