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Friday, May 29, 2009

The boy needs a hammer!

The other day I caught Justin trying to hammer a nail into a piece of wood, using a battery as the hammer. Timothy watched. Do they make a set of mini tools, not plastic like most kids' tools, but ones that really work and are just smaller? If they do I think Justin would be in heaven to have his own! Just further proof that he has inherrited his Dad's mechanical mind.


Sue said...

I really don't think that is safe using a battery for a hammer. Yes, they do have small tools they sell. Avon has a pink one for women. Do you think they would want a pink one?

sajmom said...

I don't think it's safe either which is why I took it away from him.

Jamie said...

you could do worse things with batteries. =)

the other day john was teasing jonathan to put his tongue on a 9 volt battery lol

sajmom said...

Actually Justin does that on his own-he thinks it's funny thta it tickles his tounge!
(that sounds like Tom too though, here kid, stick your tounge on this!)