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Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Just wanted to note this while I remember.......
Tom's been going to bed early all week because he has to get up at 4:30 this week ( I know! That should be illegal!) And so as I do my cleanup I get to pick the channel on tv, and tonight I was lucky enough to find one of my favorite shows-John and Kate Plus Eight. I find it inspirational.
Anyway, they were talking about taking their kids to a furniture store to pick out beds for the younger set of multiples and how they had to be sturdy pieces of furniture. They mentioned that their older two girls had never broken or destroyed anything, but the younger ones just do it all the time. (An excitement bell went off in my head! You mean someone else besides me deals with this!!) And then they said it probably wouldn't happen with anyone individually, but all together they are a force that takes it's toll on things. And that accurately describes my kids as well......really it was nice to see that my kids aren't the only ones who like to get into EVERYTHING when they go out as well. I know so well the look of frustration on the Dad's face as he tries to manage all the kids in the store. Sometimes I feel like I am doing the worst job on the plannet as a parent, so it's nice to see that even parents who have their act together deal with that stuff sometimes too.

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