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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Soy is everywhere

After a while, you really begin to wonder why they put soy in EVERYTHING?  Did you know you're drinking soybean oil in that soda?  Ewwww. 


Jamie said...

to me that's a perfect example of why there are allergies to soy... a lot of people don't believe me when i tell them about the fish oil orange juice. and fish on popcorn. bleh!

Sue said...

I don't drink soda anymore. I haven't had a soda in over a month and I don't miss it. That orange crush soda is the worse soda out there. It has more caffeine and sugar in it than regular coke. I found that on "The Dr.'s Show."

sajmom said...

It probably depends which brand, because this bottle clearly states, caffeine-free.

Sue said...

Then it is higher in sugars. It is Mountain Dew that is loaded with the caffeine, than coke. Sorry I was confused a bit.

Unknown said...

ya but orange crush is yummmmmmmmmmy!!!