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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice
by Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

We've lately been reading some poetry now and then.....I've picked some from my college textbooks.  Although I know she doesn't understand much of it, I figure exposure to good poetry is never a bad thing and might in some way inspire her.  Besides, you have to be exposed to the good stuff in order to recognize it.  Yesterday Leanna decided to memorize this poem all on her own.  I'd mentioned that I wanted her to start memorizing some poetry, but I hadn't picked any out yet for her to do.  I suspect she picked this one at least partly for the length, but she's rather proud of herself.
I was going to add a video of her reciting it, but since blogger changed, I no longer have a link to add movies (the one for pictures doesn't work). 


MagicBullet said...

Uuuuuuggggghh I hated that poem, i had to read it for english last semester. All his poetry struck me as incredibly cliche and then to top it off people are always quoting it without paying attention to the context. To each his own though, i guess; I did like "acquainted with the night", but it seems weird to me to call something good/classic vs bad poetry when it's such a subjective thing.

sajmom said...

I think it's kinda cool that it's such a simple poem,short, light in tone,but....he's comparing natural forces that destroy with human emotion. And making the point that humans emotions can be deadly as well. Literally he speaks of the end of the world, figuratively speaking, he is referring to the destruction of a relationship, and the world represents the relationship. I'm sure you get the destuctive qualities of both fire (passion) and ice(hatred) and how both are well suited for consuming and destroying. Also interesting that he calls out love as a destructive force as well. Generally we think of love as only positive, but it certainly can cause pain and carnage as well. Sorry if this is not complete or clear, I'm half asleep now!