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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Engery givers/takers

I found this through a link, and let me tell you, the soothing music playing in the background was just what I needed.  I'm so keyed up right now it feels like electricity's constantly running through my body.    She has a post about people being energy givers and energy suckers, and she talks about how people can be both at different times, but you try to teach your children to be energy givers in general.  This is something I struggle with, as for quite a while now I'm aware that I'm pretty much always an energy sucker. Hopefully one day I can at least balance the two, if not lean more towards giving. 

From the post: "Sometimes, life’s burdens become so great that it is impossible to see even a twinkle light of goodness in the present darkness. This is why the Lord placed the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6), in order that we might bear each others’ burdens, lifting the load for each other, sharing the pains and troubles that weigh us down. We do this both within our own homes and also within the family of God, one friend at a time."

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