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Sunday, January 04, 2009

More presents

Jacob playing with a new puzzle, amidst the Christmas splendor. And the butcher's table (I guess that's what you'd call it) that Tom made me, along with the maple cutting board on top that he made me also.


Sue said...

I never even thought of a puzzle for him, but I'm glad he likes them. When Tommy was little like Jacob he loved puzzles, too. I see he has on the outfit we got him, looks cute.

Sue said...

I really like the chopping table and cutting board Tom made you. He has a lot of talent when it comes to building things. He takes after my brother, his grandfather and great-grandfather, when it comes to working with his hands and mind. Enjoy it.

Jamie said...

those chunky puzzles are great! and the table is very nice!

sajmom said...

Leanna and Justin were never into puzzles, Timothy and Jacob are.

The outfits are cute, a little big on him yet, but cute. Do you know two of them were outfits you got Timothy when he was a baby(but Timothy's were a smaller size, so it works, it's not a duplicate). You must have really liked those styles!

Sue said...

I have to be honest. I found those outfits hanging in the back bedroom closets they were supposed to get wrapped last year. I also, found jam pants that we gave Billy this year, too, in the same closet. So it was a good find for all.

sajmom said...

LOL-that's funny. My family does that all the time too. Sometimes we get Christmas presents for a couple months after Christmas as my Mom finds them! I found two that I meant to give to my Mom this year but forgot.