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Saturday, December 20, 2008

This was excited laughter......

Just to see how she felt about it, I mentioned homeschooling to Leanna. Her reaction was, "what about recess?" (the school's been taking recess away A LOT lately). She actually got excited and wanted to plan and make rules for it, etc. We'll see what happens, it's just being considered. This video shows her excitement at the idea....she was really excited.

I think she may one day have a career as a villian, based solely on her evil laugh.....she's really very good at it!


Sue said...

She can be a good actress in a horror film.....the wicked witch of the west.

Jamie said...

thats too funny!! she almost looks/sounds as though she's plotting something!!!

just out of curiosity, how do you get started with homeschooling? an old neighbor of mine who have a large family (they lived right next to tony's pizza in stockertown) home schooled. it was neat b/c the mother took the children to the post office on election day and it was part of a lesson.

sajmom said...

I am reading up on that kind of stuff now....but the rules are different in every state, so I'd have to specifically get the PA laws. As far as I understand it, in PA you must send a letter declaring your intent to homeschool to the superintendant in your district. It's actually very interesting to read about teaching philosophies and how and why the educational system was started and how it functions today. A book I just finished mentioned a child with allergies being one reason a parent might homeschool and of course I thought of you. The book also mentions another book that tells how you can adopt a homeschooling philosophy even if your child attends school. All very interesting topics!

Sue said...

There is also Cyber Home Schooling too. It comes right from the state, I forget what is it called.

The Wilson School District provides a computer to the families that home school, just for the child that is being home schooled. It is hooked directly to their school to provide the testing that they must do to get their grades for passing.

Someone told me that home schooling if not done correctly won't count towards their graduation diploma, but that the cyber schooling does. Let me know what you find out Steph.

My old neighbor that lived across the street home school her middle school child, because she didn't like Phillip Lauer Middle School. The lady down the street home schooled her elementary and middles school child, because her elementary child din't want to get out of the car to go to school. So, she thought it best to home school her.

Another thing Steph, you should put a call into Jennifer or Aunt Jeri. The reason is because Aunt Jeri was a school teacher and she home schooled Jen & Robbie, before the other two were born, because of being in the missions and traveling so much, many years ago. If you need their phone numbers just email me or call me. Once they settled in one place then they all went back to school. I think they tried public school, then switched them to a Christian School in NC.

Jamie said...

in a mean way, i've heard a lot of "why don't you just home school if you're so worried about peanuts at schools!" this is a general statement of course, on various websites in response to a peanut ban article....

in a non mean way, i do see the logic in it though...especially if you are dealing with major contact allergies and multiple anaphylactic ones...

steph, when you're kind of done researching, can you share some stuff about it? i'm very curious!

ADP said...

I love this video, love her asking at the end, "ok, what are you trying to do?"

(hint: a cd of all these really cute video's for christmas)

sajmom said...

I did look at a couple charter schools after I ran across a charter school booth at the fair. It's tempting because they give you so much help-they have teachers and support groups at the ready for you, they pay for the computer and internet and books, etc. But a charter school would cut out the biggest reason homeschooling appeals to me....I love the idea of following their passions. The idea that if something really facinates them we could delve into the subject and explore all aspects! That's really appealing and you lose control of that when someone else determines the curicula and the overall pace.

sajmom said...

A diploma is given by the "school" you graduate isn't necesary to get into college. If it matters to you, you can get a GED or you can apply to a program in order to get a diploma, or the parent, as the homeschool administrator, can print out a diploma for the child.