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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jacob, eczema, lead levels

Jacob's eczema is pretty bad lately. I had to call to get the results of his test-they had drawn blood for both a lead test and an IGE level test (if his IGE levels are high then he'd be just be predisposed towards eczema and there'd be nothing we could do about it). The lead level test they had called me back about-he's at 14 now, it was at 16 before, so he's on his way down. They're still worried though and want him to repeat the test every freakin month. Sheesh, with each kid they get more worried about levels that didn't bother them in the past. Anyway, after being misdirected three times, I finally got through and they said his levels were normal. And they couldn't tell me anything more, didn't even suggest I make an appointment to talk about what to do next! Very frustrating. Although they did want to talk about his lead levels again, seriously when I said they'd already called me about them and I knew what to do about that she didn't believe me and made me tell her, "at his next appointment I'll get the prescription for the blood to be drawn and I'll go down to the lab after the appointment and have the blood drawn." ?? Um it's not difficult and there's not a lot of steps to remember there....I am getting increasingly annoyed at being treated like an idiot by their staff.


Jamie said...

how does he do with blood draws? glad his levels are normal tho!

sajmom said...

Being held down is the hardest part, and largely unnecesary. He's ok as soon as I hold him afterwards. I am grateful that none of mine make a big fuss over it. Since they've all been stuck repeatedly, that is a blessing!

sajmom said...

This means I have to ask them to send me to an allergy specialist. : |

Jamie said...

gotcha. more pin pricks (scratch tests) and potentially bloodwork =(

good luck with it all to you both!