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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yes my hands are full, my heart too

It was funny, I had just mentioned that I worry how it affects the kids to constantly hear that I have my hands full with them. We hear it so often. I know Leanna's at least somewhat aware of it since she's commented before on the subject(when people asked if we were having another baby she later said to me, but how could we have another baby, how would you be able to take care of another baby?). Today I heard proof that Justin's aware as well.
A man stopped us to comment and said his sister has four as well. He said he only had one, and I told him that you just adjust (my grandmother once told me that and I've found it to be true). He then followed us over to the water fountain and started explaing that his sister has trouble, and she's a single Mom. I said well that would be quite difficult. He continued talking about having four kids and Justin (out of nowhere) pipes up with, "Yes, they're all hers!" I thought that was so funny. Although the man actually hadn't asked, people so frequently do. Obviously Justin has paid attention.


Sue said...

You go Justin! You stick up for your mommy because she does have her hands full, but like she said, you adjust to what God has given you.

Mommy and daddy wouldn't have it any other way. Hey more power to you both.

God knew what he was doing to provide you with 4 beautiful, free spirit, and fun loving children.

ADP said...

I know Justin really listens when you talk. That's a very good quality.