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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Drunk Driving

This is from a comment left from the post below this one. I thought it was important enough to copy here. I wouldn't have been aware of this, and it's horrible that one innocent mistake could devastate someone's life like this. (Don't get me wrong, I understand that one mistake can also kill someone, but it doesn't seem fair either that this could happen.) So many people do this and just aren't caught.

Jenn Aug 20th 2008 10:07AM
I got a DUI, I can tell you that it ruined my entire life. I am not sure why people think there needs to be harsher laws. One thing I try to educate people on is that one does not need to be even close to drunk to be over the limit. Most people assume "drunk" drivers are "drunk". Not so. I had two glasses of wine at dinner at a restaurant. It would have never occured to me that I was "drunk" or endangering anyone. Alas, two drinks is all it takes. I think the term "drunk driving" needs to be changed, it makes people think that if they are not "drunk" they can drive. They can't, even a single drink can impare your driving. However, society likes to think the DUI drivers are sloppy drunks and out of control- I assumed so and paid the price.I have graduated college, Dean's list, but with my record I am unable to get a job. Oh, I get the job until they do a background check (I do disclose the arrest) and the company cannot hire me due to insurance reasons. I paid for my college education ($26,000) in loans and cannot get a job that is worth squat. I go to interviews and get hired until they process the paperwork,,,,I paid $10,000 all told for my DUI as a struggling college student that was working and going to school. I couldn't afford electricity and rode my bike 7 miles back and forth to work and school in 110 degree weather. My insurance tripled and I sold my car (since I couldn't drive it anyway). I spent two days in jail with prostitutes and violent criminals. I spent 6 weeks in classes. I was on probation for two years.I went to Olive Garden and had two glasses of wine and drove home. My life will never be the same. It destroyed me. I destroyed myself I guess, but I didn't know what drunk driving meant. I had no idea that one needn't be intoxicated to be a danger. Hopefully my story will help someone else, don't even have one drink and drive. Most drinks sold at clubs or restaurants (such as margaritas and cosmos) are actually TWO drinks. That means one margarita and you are drunk driving. You WILL lose your entire career, be in the paper, your life will never be the same. NEVER drink ANYTHING and drive. Period.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I wonder what state this happened in because the Southern states are more stricter on the drunk driving laws than here in PA.

And again, it all depends on the size a person is for the alcohol to be absorbed in the blood stream. I have a very low tolerance on alcohol, as where, a man larger boned can drink a lot and still be sober. From working with the police dept. where they have done a lot of drinking studies to see how much you can drink before you are intoxicated. My friend Kandy did this study with the police, when she was a meter maid. She was surprised on how much she was able to consume before her blood and breathalyzer registered that she was drunk. Kandy also was a small woman, but she was able to drink a whole lot more than I, if I did this test. Sometimes one drink is all I need and I'm wasted and then there are times when I can drink 2-3. I also think it depends on how much alcohol is in a drink, e.g. like wine, beer or mixer.

I can't handle margaritas, they are just too potent for me. I'm under the table and gone, but give a strawberry daiquiri and I can drink several of them without it bothering me at all. Forget beer, cause it goes right to my head after one can.