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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Since our move, I've noticed some changes in the kids.   Leanna and Justin are somewhat defiant, I've had trouble making them listen.  (more than normal)  Timothy was rather weepy for the first week and a half.  He was crying over little things that would have rated only a yell in the past.  With Jacob it's too hard to tell because he's just been in misery with his skin!  Since we moved here his skin has been awful, some days it looks like he has welts!  So he's generally been rather cranky and cries a lot, but given how bad he must feel, it's tough to say whether some of it is just from the move or not.
It makes sense that it's tougher on the older kids, they were more used to how things used to be......our routines and ways of doing things.  Leanna is particularly bothered by this and has been taking it out on Nanny Sue a bit.  She resents the change and the new way of living.  This should lessen as time goes by and I've been working on her attitude as well.  Our schedule is still all messed up, we just don't have a rhythm going yet.   We're here for two weeks now.  There is a lot of adjust to for all.

On the bright side, the kids like the animals and playing in the yard with the next door neighbor.

1 comment:

Sue said...

It will get better as time goes on. It is an adjustment for everyone and is especially harder on kids, when they are used to doing things when they want to do them, and how they do things.

I'm really enjoying spending time with my grandkids that I didn't see a lot. It was no fault on anyone for that it was just they lived in Allentown and we didn't go to Allentown too much. It always seemed so far away.