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Monday, January 01, 2007

laundry & sickness

You know, a family of five makes an awful lot of laundry on a normal week. But man, add in two sick children and boy does it multiply! Leanna was sick for about half a day on Saturday. She woke me up saying she had to throw up. So we spent the morning camped out in the hallway or in the bathroom. She likes to wipe her mouth afterward with a washcloth-new one each time because the old ones have throw up germs on them. She's very into germs this past year. By late afternoon she was fine again though.
Then yesterday morning I woke up and realized Timothy had wetness underneath him and his diaper wasn't wet. Sure enough-he was throwing up. Only for him it lasted all day long, and then twice today. I went through 5 or 6 changes of clothes because he kept throwing up on me. Plus his clothes, a few blankets, and a few jackets (I was cold) that all got baptised. A few times he seemed like his old self and I thought he was over it, but it just kept coming back. Poor kid, he's so serious when he's sick. Thank god Justin's showing no signs of it, and neither am I.

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